Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My gluten free taste buds

My taste buds have gone gluten free.

Suddenly, the GF stuff is tasting GOOD. And I mean "heads back to the freezer twice in one night for GF banana bread" good.

MIL bought me a bag full of goodies from a GF baker on the weekend... I ate the whole box of macaroons (umm, probably 6 cookies...yikes), a butter tart, and a cherry tart in one day. HA. I cut up the banana bread and the corn bread and put them in the freezer - trying to keep them out of my reach (and off my hips...).

The other night I started to put the banana bread in the microwave to thaw it a bit, when the hubs suggests just eating it frozen. So of course I tried - and holy crap, was it ever good. (I was raised on eating dainties out of the freezer - Grandma always baked way ahead of any occassion, and I always, umm, raided the freezer. And I wonder how I packed on the pounds?!?).

At first everything GF tasted like cardboard...but stuff is tasting good. I don't know if it's just because I've forgotten what "real food" tastes like or if the stuff actually really does taste good...


Krissy said...

I've had a few GF treats and I actually like rice and potato flour made goods. They ARE good, just different than wheat flour. I think its like when your mom bought Jiff PB and you'd go over to a friends house and have Skippy PB and were like, Yuk? You just had to adjust. (I am SO a Skippy fan!!!) Well, I just recently discovered back in January when I froze my birthday choc. chip cookies so that I wouldn't eat'em all in one setting, that they are fabulous frozen :( Oh, well! Self control? What's that?!!!

Marlow said...

Now non-gluten free folks will taste your food and say "'s okay, but it has an after taste." But lucky for you, you won't taste a thing!! :)