We got the white one. I was hoping for the Almond colour, or something really fun like the lime or light blue - but alas, white was:
a) on sale
b) in stock
c) sure to go with our white appliances.
Set the bad boy up and broke him in this morning!
I decided to make Coffee Cake Muffins from the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook (since this book seems to be a staple in most kitchens, I won't write out the recipe, but if you'd like me to, just holla!).
First of all, I made a mess - see exhibit a.
My brown sugar was very hard, so I put it in the microwave with a small dish of water - a trick Trev has used before. Well....the water exploded. EVERYWHERE. So strange. At least it was just water: easy to clean up.
Continued on with the baking. Probably not the best way to break-in my mixer, but oh well. The mixer whipped it all into shape in about 30 seconds. Zoom!
I'll put up a picture of the finished product in another post since I can't get it to load here...
They were okay. Nothing spectacular. Would likely add a bit of fruit to the mix if I make them again.
Calories: 180
How I feel about eating two of them for breakfast: unsatisfied. HA.
I don't think that Sunday morning Mixing will (or should) become a part of my routine... When I was training for the half, I would get up and run on Sunday mornings...a little healthier than getting up to bake! But I am committed to finding some healthy ways to use my mixer!
And I'm committed to finding another race to sign up for - must get that running motivation back!!
1 comment:
When you asked for ideas and recipes I thought to myself that I only use mine to make not-so-healthy treats. I proved that to be true when I made chocolate chip cookies on Friday afternoon.
SO...you'll have to share your healthier recipes you fine.
PS Our KA mixers are twins! Mine is white. Feel better now? loL! ;o)
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